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About Us

About Iris

For years, Iris Salmins, a Jewish believer in Yeshua, made trips to Russia, Ukraine, and Latvia, distributing Bibles and tracts about Yeshua to Jewish people.

In 1995, Iris moved from Houston, Texas, to create Latvia's first Messianic synagogue. She was sent out by her home congregation, Beth Yeshua HaMashiach. 
Maris Salmins was a member of a group that met weekly to pray for Israel and the Jewish people.


Two weeks after Iris arrived in Latvia, she spoke to that group. Maris met Iris. Maris became Iris's translator.  One year later, Maris and Iris were married.
They established the first congregation in Latvia of Jewish people who believe Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah of Israel, plus two more.


Throughout the six years, Maris and Iris were in Latvia planting, they had a Christian radio program, "Jewish Voice" which covered two-thirds of the country. 
They left Latvia to be the point persons for Iris's elderly parents. 

Iris, with Maris's encouragement and blessings,  is now doing  Zoom and in-person teachings for Christian, churches, bible studies, youth groups, mission organizations, etc. to teach Gentile believers how to witness to Jewish people effectively. 

The Yeshua Connection is associated with Congregation Beth Yeshua HaMashiach led by  Jonathan Elowitz. Congregation Beth Yeshua HaMashiach is associated with Rabbi Dr. Itzhak Shapira, the founding rabbi of Ahavat Ammi.

Iris is an artist! You may view original paintings for sale at Prints and other items with her art along with mugs, tote bags, etc., may be purchased at www.

Maris and Iris Salmins

Yeshua Connection


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